Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mothers Dedication

A dedication to all mothers

First of before I begin my tale. I'd like to wish my mother Happy Mothers Day. She has been an inspiration to my life since primary school. She always inspired me to do better and always made me look at myself critically and analyze myself so that I would be able to know my own faults and always keep a level head and make the right decisions. She is also the reason I have become a better person this day and a better person every day after. My mother is also the source where I get my ability in language and she is where I turn to when in need of help in my studies. I strive this day to better heights thanks to my mother. Thank you mom, and have a very happy mother's day.

And to my other mother, Nadia, who despite being only the same age as me has shown maturity beyond her years and manages to be an excellent mother figure to me. She has always been there to stop me from doing many stupid things that could have led me down a really bad path. She has also become sort of my moral support always there to give encouragement to do good and study and all that stuff. Though I struggle to find the words to describe my gratitude, I would like to offer my most sincere thanks for always being there when I needed you, whether you know I needed you or not.

And with that I begin my short story.

A child playing in the park with his friends, he fell down and got cuts all over his knees. He started to tear up but he put up a brave front. He got up and walked to the side and sulked while the other children played. Not missing a beat his mother came up to him and nursed his wounds. He was a little embarrassed by it so he turned his face away and pretended not to care. His mother didn't care as she diligently nursed his wound with a caring look on her face.

A teenager comes home from school and dirties the floor. His mother cleans it up and tells him not to dirty the floor next time. The teenager only shrugs and goes into his room. His mother tells him to study but he ignores her and keeps using the computer and surfs the net. She is angry that he does not study but she keeps calm and never shows that she is angry.

A man wants to get married but his mother doesn't like the bride he has chosen. Although she isn't happy. She only wishes for her son to be happy so she gives them her blessing to get married. After the marriage her son ignores her and lives happily with his wife and rarely visiting. His mother doesn't mind and she is even glad that her son is happy.

A funeral and the mother is no more. Her son cries and weeps at her funeral. He knew he should have shown her more appreciation. From the time he hurt himself up to his marriage with the girl he knew she clearly despised. But alas it is too late for that. He is forever left with a feeling of regret for never showing her any appreciation.

I wouldn't like to be like that man. Please, show our Mothers, our own personal angels, that we care and we appreciate them for all the effort. Thank You

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