Every day when people go out and interact with others, there will always be a smile, a curt greeting and a seemingly honest on one's day. Veils of tolerance and indifference to social ills, a seemingly humane and loving society that is built to show care. But far too often that it remains a mere facade of every day life. The moment an individual finds themselves in a far more secure environment, then all veils are thrown aside. First come the accusations of fault in character, than the assumptions of fault in action. Every action driven by a need to prove one superior to another. What does this accomplish ? Does this show an individual is indeed better than the other because the other has presumably done something of dubious origins ? Or does it merely show that we are yet merely trash that bothers not with the effort of overcoming the chains that ties us to mediocrity. Look pass what the actions of other's are and look to what your actions are, the moment you can stand to answer for what you have said and done is the moment that defines you as an individual worthy of recognition. But if you only stand to take credit for the good and ignore the fact that you have indeed done something worthy of ire and pretend it is the fault of others, then you are no worse than trash of society.
What good do you have going for you when all you do is criticize them behind their backs, on social media, in your diary. Would you see change from when they don't know what change is needed ? Why do you then look at those who do willingly point out what they dislike, what needs changing or what they inwardly think and unafraid to show, with disdain and condemn them.to your screwed standards of right and wrong which makes it seem as if you feel yourself always right and always good to judge. The paradox of life that you live in, you criticize those that criticize others. How noble does that seem to make you, a protector of the weak.
Nevermind the fact that protecting the weak is an insult to those as if they are so fragile, as if they do not have the ability. But you show them that they are in the right, that it is okay to remain as ignorant and stupid as they are, and you fight for them condemning the ones that actively try to correct them, and you build an umbrella for them to hide under the pretense that they are learning when truth is they are no longer bothered, they give up, they sell themselves short. They settle for mediocrity because we do not force them to accept the challenge and fight for their best.
But we are a polite society, and it seems fair to leave them as it is, the ones who are great stopped caring as they realized, it doesn't matter if the stupid, the foolish and the ones that do not want to succeed stay that way, because it makes life easier for the great.
After all, not all of society can be leaders.