Forgive me for posting this, usually I don't really care about these sort of things.
Mind you that this is merely my opinion and I do not wish it be contention for or against the bersih rally or whatever. It is my opinion and as such, I am free to voice it and you are free to disagree , but I hope for maturity and that you will keep disparing comments off my blog.
Before I begin, let me point out the only reason I'm writing this is that too many within my circle of friends have been vocal about this and have blasted me for where I stand in this issue, which is that I don't care much for the rally. This piece might ruffle some feathers but what are we if not individuals who voice out what we wish . Freedom of speech and expression is it not.
My opinion (Mind you not public, popular or whatever, MINE)
Let's see first what was it they were campaigning for, I don't get it myself, Being so very reclusive I would have to first admit that that I keep my knowledge of affairs of things limited so I can politely excuse myself from conversation. But as a random check on this would reveal that they are campaigning for the same 8 things they did last time, of which 7 were agreed to and are being worked on.
And the reason for Bersih 3.0 ? Well apparently unsatisfactory changes to the system, well then Ladies and Gentlemen, did you expect such change to happen on the spot ? We cannot feasibily change that much in so little time. Give credit where credit is due and stop hating just out of principles. Throw aside those sentiments and see what good has come, your goals are noble, your methods are wack. You have already achieved what you wanted the last time. Stop being a pain, if you don't like it, vote against BN. Its been proven that they can lose and have lost in other states. If you think that's what you want, go ahead.
Of course, that's irrelevant to the discussion, I hate how the demonization of the police happens. Claims of police brutality and all that, let's just put it in numbers, How many people were gathered today ? Can there be any guarantee that NOBODY will be out of line and instigate police. Well thank god they tear gassed you, if you were in a more police-state, you'd have been shot. But you know, it's always the police's fault because they have the guns. Well, thanks for throwing responsibility of your own actions on others.
Put yourself in the polices' shoes for once, imagine having to control that crowd. And as much as you would like to preach that you are different and wouldn't strike out, think back deep inside. Would you really refrain ? Watching these people 'peacefully' march but throwing out abuse, and taunting you ? Not really no. You guys got off lucky really.
Now let's move on to another issue, how this issue. as vehemently as you want to claim that it ha nothing to do with politics, stinks of politcal sentiment . How you say ? What do you see happening ? A rally for the good of Malaysia ? A show of support for PR really. Think about how they manipulated you and use it as a staging point to plant the seeds of hate towards the present government. It may not be apparent, but see how the image is from people who did not participate, who thought of it critically. No matter what you say, you will be perceieved as supporting Opposition and this is exactly the image opposition wants right before election, to show that they have their faults.
And don't start calling me a BN supporter either, I'm not. I am just as opposed to what they are doing as well, whatever it is that comes to mind when I say that, but at the very least they arent affecting a KL in such a way that it stagnates the city and incurs losses for the people there.
Another issue that is really a big deal for me is when those that joined the protest willingly , brought their underage kids and others. Knowing that the possibility is there for all the carnage, you still brought your children . What are you trying to prove ? That even kids support the cause ? It doesn't prove anything other than the fact you are a bad parents and putting your children at risk. Even though you may come here and tell me you expected a peaceful protest. You must admit that you weren't exactly ignoring Bersih 2.0 and what happened then if you come again this time. What ? You are too stupid to consider the harms that it might incur for your kids ? Shame. And what a way to totally implant in their head early on that the Government sucks. You preach that you are promoting critical thinking ? You're not, you're promoting hate.
What will also arise in this situation is the counter productive effects it has on society. Which is a major reason I stand silent most times. What happens is that those who vehemently are for Bersih will be akin to cats and dogs when meeting someone who opposes Bersih. You the reader may not be this kind of person, but do you see how the Malaysian mindset works regularly ? Yeah, that is what happens. On this end, what is supposed to be a bonus to the rally, unity and desegregation of races creates a new impact which is ignored, which is segregation by choice, those for and against bersih, which leads to a situation that is akin to a slippery slope and will only get worse.
The composition of the rally was commendable, every sort of person was there, but really. How many were there that supported the same causes you did ? Who had their own agenda ? Who came because they wanted to feel the aura, who came because of friends and who came to look after those they worry about ? It was a rally, for a cause, but for what cause ? Were all the Bersih supporters really there for Bersih ? Especially considering the elections are round the corner.
Also, about wanting a corruption free Government ? It's good to dream but be real, find me a model country that has that kind of Government, then we can talk more on that, but as I stand here, no matter who the hell is running the country, corruption will still happen, not because that the Government itself is corrupt, but each individual subscribes to an innate nature to prosper.
Meh, I've ranted on about pretty much nothing. Just needed to vent steam I guess. But all in all, what is wanted within their Manifesto is good, but the law of feasibility makes it so that we have to give time for reform to happen, and if those reforms are even achievable, seeing thaat no country has achieved all those goals. Even the methodology to achieve the goals are somewhat flawed. Who am I to say though.
And as the statement goes,
Aku orang bodoh je, tak layak debat ngan korang . Korang semua bijak2 belaka. Aku ni bodoh.
Sorry if I offended anyone. Not really.
To be honest I still have more to say but meh.