Friday, November 12, 2010

Angels In The Night Sky

I lie on the grass, staring up into the sky. Life has dealt the cards and I am left to play the game of solitude as though it may seem cruel, it is just another card played before we shuffle once more and the cards are dealt once more. I close my eyes and see flashes of my days before and wonder what has led me down this lightless road.

Never has the road not traveled been accommodating and we wonder why we choose to go down that path and in the end, we take a step back and go back on the path that most everyone takes and in the end, the joy that could have been is ripped away by our choices. The choice we did not take will haunt us more than the ones we take. Do we as people so strongly believe in the choices made before that we are willing to be shackled to the boundaries society sets and never make for freedom. Our forefathers forever strove to break the barriers and chains in order to set us free but in the end we slave ourselves. Visages of what could have been haunt us and we regret.

To travel the lightless road is dangerous and scary, but we must never forget that not all darkness is treacherous, and not all dark roads lead to despair. As the sailors of old did and went out into the darkest edges of the world, they were not struck with struck dead but instead they were struck with wonder and are forever able to carry their memories with pride. The greatest treasures hides behind the most dangerous seeming roads.

It is time to hearken and hold your beliefs close. Courage has never been more important as we may not all enjoy fame, but those who are never afraid to do what no one else has before are heroes. Failure or success, they accomplish more than ever can be for someone else who is not as foolhardy as he.

I open my eyes and the sky has darkened. I fear not, for I know that no darkness is hopeless. And as I lay there, wind blowing and the sky clear, the first vestiges of the stars begin to shine and I feel hope returning to me. Hope I had thought lost.

I am guilty of traveling the road most traveled, but I do not wish to be a slave, I have no desire to be held in chains. I wish to be free. I will run back to the start and run down the path not traveled and for that for every risk and danger I encounter, the result in the end would be more than worth it.

And the truth is, I am afraid. Because I do realize the peril. But my fear of the unknown is nothing compared to the fear of chains, and even if I am to lay broken on the road, I will not yield and I will fight on till the last breath has left my lungs and I lay dead and broken. What does not kill you makes you stronger, even till the edges of your life.

Would you take the risk?

Looking still into the now star lit sky. I see the angels of heaven come down from above, from the stars. And I realize, I have wasted too much time. Broken I lay there and as the blood ebbs away from my body and my breath grows shorter, I take the time to smile and thank them for the opportunity.

They arrive, and I know nothingness.

I am nothing, just a nick on the tree of history. To some, I might be significant, to most, I am nothing. A death not mourned for it is not known, a passing of a hero of adventure comes and goes as the wind. Noted but not significant.