What is a great person? Is a great person the person who scores straight A's in his or her studies? Is the great person someone who excels in sports? Or is he the one who is linguisticly gifted or perhaps better than most at numbers or maybe the person has a knack for organizing things. Perhaps, a combination of the three would be the best description. I for one, have my own definition for a great person.
A great person is someone, despite not being academically gifted our athletically outstading, gives it his or her all at his chosen field. A great person will commit more than his fair share of time and he will expend almost all of his energy to excel at what he does. But what stands about a person I deem great, is that despite his all his efforts, and somehow, he manages not to achieve greatness, and gets knocked down far from his pedestal, he will dust himself off and begin again. A great person is characterized by the spirit where he or she will never back down, and every challenge that is thrown in his way, he will meet head on. A great person will not delegate tasks to others nor blame his lacks on others because he is responsible enough to know that this is what he must do.
A great person also realizes a very important fact. That fact is that no matter how significant, no matter how impossible, no matter how daunting a task may be, the deciding factor is within himself. A great person knows that before he will achieve in life, he will have to face his demons. And when he faces his demons and unmasks them for what they are, he will realize the demon was none other than himself. What he will realize is that the only thing ever standing in between him and whatever he wants is himself. He will realize that though he may drop to his knees and cry foul, and perhaps it might be of some avail, it is far more rewarding to commit the effort in order to overcome those odds and he will have improved.
A great person will have great mannerism, as if he fails to achieve such basic gentlemanry standards, would he even be fit to be deemed great. His mind will be made of resolve. His will might seem absolute at times and there seems to be no changing his mind, but that is where a great person is better than an arrogant person, he will admit his wrong and take the better option when presented. He will also grab at every oppurtunity he can, no fear of failure for he knows that every failure brings him closer to success and he will not despair.
There are many sayings, there are many musings, there are many quotes, there are many songs and they are many things people have said over time that may embody the spirit of a great person, but in my humble opinion, I believe the one most suited for a great person would be,
"No Giving Up"
And to all my friends, regardless of where you are at life, everything and everyone around you seems to be such a problem, nothing seems to go right, all your effort goes to waste, all your supposed ability just a age old story. Don't live in regret, begin a new and remember those words. Never allow yourself to give up.
Call me sentimental, call me emo, call me arrogant, this is the one topic I wish to voice out, because to be honest, the writing helped me to find some sort of solace, and to help refocus myself. I will be better than today, and I will strive to be the best, and though obstacles may stand in my way. Giving up is no option.