An eerie silence fills the savannah. The wild cheering and hooting of the wild tribes are nowhere to be heard. Missing too are the sounds of the animals. The land where many deemed unconquerable seemed subdued at this precious moment in time. Time seemed to inch very slowly in this place.
A man, who was lying still on the ground, slowly got up and began looking around. He was not at all disturbed by the strange scene that was before him. He had spent nights upon nights here and never did he find any other living thing save the trees. He also never grew tired nor did he need to feed or drink. It was something that this man had grown used to. His every moment was filled with immense loneliness. He sighed as he saw no one else had come.
The man resignedly sat on a rock and closed his eyes. Suddenly he felt the touch of warm gentle arms around him. He turned around and saw her. He began tearing and held her close. She smiled at him as he fixed her eyes upon her. They then held their gazes on each other before they just turned to the west and walked off.
A blaze, its fire’s dancing seductively reaching out to the skies. Men and women dancing feverishly around the fire. Sacrifices and gifts lay around the blaze. The wife of the former chief lay close to death in a grave beside her husband’s old grave. As the wife of the former chief drew her last breath, the dancing reached suddenly reached new heights of fervor then abruptly stopped. Mourning began and the body was buried. The sacrifices and gifts were buried around the graves. Then the wife’s body was lit ablaze as her husband’s before her before finally being buried.
The man and woman from before dancing happily in their eerie world, glad after being reunited after so long.