My soul drifted in my hell. My mind concentrated to fend off the pain I was being subjected to. I had long lost the ability to distinguish what was happening around me save the torture being inflicted. Suddenly, I felt the pain the torture was inflicting become less and less, as if they were finally letting up. The room began lightening up, slowly, as if to allow my eyes to adjust to the light. I felt myself slowly floating downwards and for the first time in ages I felt the floor. As I my feet touched the floor.. I immediately fell forward, They were in pain and not accustomed to my weight after so long without use.
As I was there,laying on the floor in helplessness, the men in white from before opened the door and came in to clean my wounds. My mind was filled with questions, why? who? how long has it been?, But as I was about to open my mouth to ask, one of the men spoke and told me to be patient and all the details will come with time. I was lifted of the floor and put on a stretcher and carried out of the room to an infirmary. I had no idea what was going to happen to me but all I could do was wait.
As I was lying in the infirmary bed I pondered to what could have been the reason behind my release. Not much later there was a man with a noble face and strongly built frame and dressed in black garbs, totally contrasting the people around him who were dressed in white, walked into the room. He looked very important so I tried to stand to bow but he said in an intimidating voice to stay on the bed. He motioned to his attendees for a chair and soon he was seated in front of me.
Give or take five minutes later, he began talking. He said "You're probably wondering why you are here and not suffering. Well the answer is that you're of need elsewhere, back in the world where you came from. A battle will erupt there which will shape the galaxy and you shall have to join the rest of those we have released to gather the living and lead them in the battle. This will be your first step to redemption. We shall speak more soon."
With that the man and his entourage left the room. I was left there thinking how this would resemble a scene straight out of a fantasy movie back home, but hey, it was a chance.
Authors Notes :
Blogger screwed up on me, Formatting dead and crap, also stupid cliche'd story but hey, I want to include fighting. :)