Sunday, July 15, 2012

A random string of thought

Do what you feel you must do,
Believe what you believe is right,
Speak what you feel needs spoken,
Think what needs to be thought.

Write what needs writing,
Love what needs loving,
Act as you should act,
And never lie as best you can.

Care less about what other's think,
Care more what your heart says,
Temper more with your mind,
Not temper your mind with your temper.

Smile when angry,
Courteous when spoken rudely to,
Graceful when people around you are clumsy,
And treat others as you should be treated.

Take responsibility for your actions,
Don't be involved in others.
Stand firm with what you've done,
And never let someone make it seem wrong.

Find no fault in other's difference,
And have confidence in yours,
Have no qualms with others,
And stay true to yourself.

Work for what you want,
Never ask for what you will regret,
Remember nothing is your right,
And find humility when you're not rewarded

Let your mind wander
And write down what is wondered,
May others find coherence,
In places you find none.

1 comment:

Roxford said...

Beautiful. Just what I need.